
Sunday 22 September 2013

Oh the places you will go.........

Oh the places you will go............

As part of my getting back to healthy, happy and more mobile I have been walking each afternoon. It is funny I love the exercise, the time out of the house but it isn't helping my pain. I've always forgetten why I don't walk anymore, it is the nerve damage from my recent spinal surgery. It seems silly that someone would forget why they walk, this new pain is more horrific than any I have had and these new lows aren't my idea of fun. The kids and I are having a ball on our adventures and spring in Queensland are heavenly. We are lucky enough to have Grandma come on our adventures sometimes. So worth the horrific pain.

One of my School holiday plans for many months has been a Scavenge Hunt I found on Pinterest

Idea originally posted on then found on Pinterest.

This must have sounded like fun because the Lovelie's were chomping at the bit a 1pm instead of our normal 4pm. It really wasn't hard to prepare for, camera each, water bottle, bag, scavenge hunt list, felt pen and whatever means of transport you like. Do our Lovelie's have a camera each, no.

Last year for Christmas, the four Littlie's received a cheap Android phone each, yes very cheap and out of date Android phone. The reasoning was that the cheap phone had - Alarm (Organisation), Camera (Many positives) MP3 (Music with good storage), Video (Special Memories), Games (Free Educational Android Games), Email (Not used but they have their own for the future), Notepad (Job lists, Messages etc) and the main reason is for car trips and the long medical appointments which we endure in most months. I don't think for $20 anyone could say they were  a ridiculous purchase. They are only used on school holidays and medical appointments. Much cheaper than any PSP, Game boy etc.

This scavenge hunt was a perfect opportunity to use the kids phone, explore our local area and get out in the fresh air, perfect spring afternoon and exercise. We are so blessed that getting out on Scooters, Bikes and Skateboards are considered a hugely fun activity by our 4 Littlie's. Yes Kateleigh, took a little convincing but she did join in and then enjoy herself.

This is one of Kate's beautiful inspirations, it is just beautiful.

I know everyone thinks their Children are Stars, this is my proof:)

We're going on a Bear Scavenger Hunt!

Something Fluffy

Something Tall

Something Pink

Something Soft

Something You Love!!!!

It was so lovely to see that when the Lovelie's had to take photo's on Something Special or Something You Love they all took photo's of each other, the 7 of us or Grandma and I. 

This is an activity I would recommend to every family, it is fun, exciting and brings many special unexpected Joys.

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